I hope you are having a fascinating weekend at the moment. I am having one as I am writing my feelings and thoughts about education. I watched a Ted talk a few minutes ago. It was about inspiring the students of the future. An old man was giving the talk. He is a Biology teacher having had a great experience in teaching. I don't like labelling people. As teachers, we shouldn't do it either. However, I wanted to label this teacher. Despite his age, he is into new engaging activities in the class. Age doesn't matter; we should be quite ready to practice brand-new activities appropriate for our students. We should take risks, right? I am envious of this gentleman.
While I was watching the video, I took brief notes beneficial for my practices in the class. I think the main note is about 6 Cs:
- Choice
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Critical Thinking
- Creativity
I want to talk about the first C: Choice:
Why are we afraid of asking about their choices? Do you think we are the only authority in the class? I think the class should be a place where the choices are, then the class management problems may occur much less.
Imagine you are going to go to a supermarket. You live alone but on your bed sheet, you see a note on which "If you don't purchase these, you will be killed" is written. How would you feel? You would feel the pressure on you. You would go there and with the fear of death, you would buy the things on the note, wouldn't you?
As teachers, we should ask about their preferences and set an atmosphere where we would easily accomplish the determined objectives.
How to apply the magic of choice: You can read this invaluable article.
Take care of yourselves, everybody. :)